E-ISSN Number
P-ISSN Number
Impact Factor
Journal DOI number : XXXXXXXXX
Paper Title : Evaluation of Digital Image Watermarking Techniques
Authors : Gyan Singh Ahirwar Ankur Tandon
DOI Link : Na
Abstract :
n the recent few years, it has become a daily need to distribute digital images as a part of widespread multimedia technology by means of the World Wide Web. Digital Image Watermarking techniques have been developed to protect digital images from illegal modifications and illegal reproductions. So these techniques has developed widely to maintain the broadcasting media and content authentication, broadcast monitoring, tamper detection, copyright protection, and many other applications.Due to the emergence of the online applicationsuser data along the network is not very secure. Also insurveillance applications data security is essential. In thispaper, a two folded security is considered; where first usingLeast Significant Bits (LSB) stenography data decryption keyis send in advance to the receiver. Later actual information issend using digital watermarking as an encrypted image. Thistwofold security makes the information more secure. In thewatermarked technique Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) isconsidered. The performance measure is done in terms ofPeak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural
Keywords : LSB,PSNR, Watermarking,SSIM
Available at : https://discoveryjournal.in/dashboard1/papers/DISCOVERY1026115143.pdf
Publication Details :
Registration ID DISCOVERY47
Published Paper ID DISCOVERY1026115143
Published in Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2023
Page number 110-116
Journal DOI number : XXXXXXXXX
Paper Title : Evaluation of Digital Image Watermarking Techniques
Authors : Gyan Singh Ahirwar Ankur Tandon
DOI Link : Na
Abstract :
n the recent few years, it has become a daily need to distribute digital images as a part of widespread multimedia technology by means of the World Wide Web. Digital Image Watermarking techniques have been developed to protect digital images from illegal modifications and illegal reproductions. So these techniques has developed widely to maintain the broadcasting media and content authentication, broadcast monitoring, tamper detection, copyright protection, and many other applications.Due to the emergence of the online applicationsuser data along the network is not very secure. Also insurveillance applications data security is essential. In thispaper, a two folded security is considered; where first usingLeast Significant Bits (LSB) stenography data decryption keyis send in advance to the receiver. Later actual information issend using digital watermarking as an encrypted image. Thistwofold security makes the information more secure. In thewatermarked technique Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) isconsidered. The performance measure is done in terms ofPeak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural
Keywords : LSB,PSNR, Watermarking,SSIM
Available at : https://discoveryjournal.in/dashboard1/papers/DISCOVERY1026115143.pdf
Publication Details :
Registration ID DISCOVERY47
Published Paper ID DISCOVERY1026115143
Published in Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2023
Page number 110-116
Call For Papers
Frequency: 12 Issue per year
Paper Submission: Throughout the Month
Acceptance Notification: Within 2 days
Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary
Accepted Language: Multiple Languages
Journal Type: Online (e-Journal)
Paper Submission: Throughout the Month
Acceptance Notification: Within 2 days
Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary
Accepted Language: Multiple Languages
Journal Type: Online (e-Journal)
UGC Care No
RNI Certificate
ISO Certified Journal
DOI Member